Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Gun crimes free essay sample

There is a great deal of media stereotyping related to rap music, hip-hop culture and the economically deprived areas In which these art forms were born. Campbell explain, The common sense selection process of news organizations often dictates coverage of negative minority news, whiles positive stories about progress and success in minority communities tend to be shelved due to what Journalists consider a lack of newsworthiness (C Campbell, 1995, p. 0) Recent growth in gun crime, and gun culture has turned attention to reasons behind this trend. Hip- hop has been an ass target for groups who associate this music scene as a negative Influence over those who listen to It. In 2003 nearly 350,000 people In the USA where victims of murders, robberies or aggravated assaults where the perpetrator carried a firearm (Brady et al. 2004). It was in this year that rapper 50 cent released his first studio and breakthrough album, Get rich or die trying. The record went to number one in the US and number 2 in the I-J. The record sold 11 million copies worldwide. Many critics linked his lyrics with the glorification of gun violence, but as Jay Enrolled of the sectional review highlighted accent was certainly not the first to rap about such matters, however he does think there Is a correlation between rap and guns, stating, many rappers sing of guns with almost lascivious glee Serious explorations of the link between gun violence and rap music are not as common.While the subject is good for alarmist news reports, a serious exploration of the subject would require some understanding of hip-hop culture and the capability to analyze both the statistics and the human elements of the situation. What Roding Abacuses and Christian Parses deliver In the book Enter the Babylon System, Is a book-length exploration of the link between urban culture and firearms. Unpacking gun culture from Samuel Colt to 50 Cents is written in a documentary style with insight into the hip-hop music industry, as both authors are co-owners of Pound Magazine Canadas largest hip-hop and urban culture magazine (R. Abacuses and C. Pearce 2007). Their purpose in the book was to challenge the prevailing view that hip-hop music causes crime and to deepen their readers appreciation of a larger crisis with respect o guns. The mall purpose of this work was to focus attention on the gun Industry and to mount an argument that powerful Individuals and corporations are more responsible for the explosion of guns in our society than the hip-hop culture.This book reminds its readers that gangs has been around for centuries, as Jonathan Swift reveals in his diaries for 1711 that gangs of young men known as Mocks were terrorizing the streets of London. Enter the Babylon system refers to oppressive and a sense of Injustice within the current system and carry a message that guns and angst have not been dealt with In a comprehensive manner by police, politicians or the public.The authors suggest that rap and the gangs-rap lifestyle have become a scapegoat for the gun violence young black men are waging against t hemselves, but should not be used as defense for the growing prominence guns have in what the authors call trigger-happy gangs rap music (R. Abacuses and C. Pearce 2007). A portion of their book explore the Canadian gun Industry and highlight how much money Is being made through the production and sale of weapons, Rappers might ND C. Pearce 2007).The authors address the growing worldwide influence wielded by weapons manufacturers. A particular interest is their interaction with Canadas only maker of handguns, Torsos Para-ordnance, under the heading Para-nod. According to Enter The Babylon System, the authors requests for an interview and tour of the factory prompted a letter from Para-ordnance stating it would be handing this matter over to legal counsel for any civil action that we may be advised to pursue against you and your employers. (R. Abacuses and C.Pearce 2007) It is stubbing to learn that the Provincial Weapons Enforcement Unit of the Ontario Provincial Police has found 224 Para-ordnance handguns at crime scenes since 1992. When gun manufacturers are unable to protect the sanctity of their stock from diversion by company employees, society has a problem. When these guns meander into the hands of young street gang members Anyone that sincerely believes that hip-hop is the reason for gun violence needs to go to Oakland, Baltimore, New Orleans and stay a week there and then come back and tell me that hip-hop is the problem Res no way they could because youd realize what the conditions are in some of these communities. (R. Abacuses and C. Pearce 2007). Whiles gun manufacturers may protest the fact that some rappers cite their products, and that attention from rappers is inevitable. The authors quote Tom Ditz, Making a Killing: The Business of Guns in America, When you have an industry that just pours this pollution into our culture, its going to start showing up in lots of different ways.. . Abacuses and Pearce offered a refreshing openness when outlining the magnitude of the gun crisis. Although relevant statistics and data are worthwhile in helping us understand the immeasurable greed that fuels the weapons industry they deliver it in an entertaining style mixing statistics, news reports, hip-hop lyrics, artist interviews and well-penned tatterdemalion to capture the reader attention Conclusion Enter the Babylon System succeed in raising some of the serious issues that orbit when it comes to finding ways to create wealth.Enter the Babylon System is a lively, entertaining, enraging book written from a Canadian perspective, the authors did not attempt to excuse facilitators of gun violence, but instead turn our gaze away from the provocative lyrics of hip hop artists to the system of weapons production that has become a multi-billion dollar industry. They raised a flag of warning that U. S. A represent a dynamo in the manufacture of weapons and has become a Mecca for g un ownership. The fact that ordinary citizens can acquire an AK-47 rifle or a semi- automatic pistol has become a fundamental issue. Its difficult to come away from the book, for instance, without feeling that the NEAR is a borderline psychotic association hat has taken a pro-violence mandate that goes far beyond protecting gun owners rights. The United States is quite naturally blamed for the influx of illegal gun in Canada, but one of the books surprises is an exploration of Canadas homegrown gun makers.Utterly knowledgeable about hip-hop culture, the authors often assume the same understanding from their readers. And, as entertaining as the authors style can be to read, some transitions feels forced and deliberate dampening the reading experience. Even with those minor issues, Enter the Babylon System is a brilliant ice of investigative Journalism. Its a truly compelling read about a distasteful subject.

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