Thursday, August 27, 2020

How to Self-Publish on Amazon With KDP †The Master Guide

The most effective method to Self-Publish on Amazon With KDP - The Master Guide The most effective method to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon Along these lines, you're an autonomous writer who's prepared to put out your most up to date work - and now you need to know how to independently publish a book on Amazon,â the fantastic center point of web based business and the first online book shop. Nowadays, there’s no better method to make your book rapidly accessible to the overall population, also thatâ self-publishingâ allows you to bring home a larger number of eminences than conventional publishing.Indeed, independently publishing could be the way in to your authorial successâ -and we need to assist you with arriving! Which is the reason we've composed this bit by bit instructional exercise, which will take you through the whole procedure of independently publishing on Amazon and provideâ crucial tips on the best way to boost your book’s showcase claim. The most effective method to independently publish a book on Amazon in 10 straightforward advances ðÿâ€" Arouse Direct Publishing Before we jump into the instructional exercise, how about we talk about Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): Amazon’s independently publishing administration. The KDP stage is the thing that you’ll use to put your book up on Amazon. You'll likewise screen your deals and details from your KDP dashboard in the coming many months. As it were, if you’re even remotely considering the Amazon independently publishing course, it’s great to acclimate yourself with KDP first. Here are the responses to the greatest inquiries you may have about Kindle Direct Publishing:<span 1. To what extent does it take to independently publish through KDP? The way toward transferring your records and setting your book subtleties should take close to 60 minutes. On the off chance that you have these components arranged in advance, you can do it in only a couple of moments! KDP is actually worked for independently publishing creators, so the transfer procedure is effectively traversable and very smooth.<span 2. When will I really observe my book up on Amazon? Your book ought to show up on the Amazon Kindle store inside 72 hours of clicking â€Å"publish.† However, most independently published books appear to show up inside 24-48 hours, so you likely won’t even need to hold up that long.<span 3. What sort of eminences does KDP offer? You can bring home up to 70% eminences on your book on the off chance that you value it somewhere in the range of $2.99 and $9.99, or 35% for a book estimated outside that go. On the off chance that you’re offering print books notwithstanding digital books, your eminences for each print book deal will be 60% of the rundown cost. Note that conveyance and print costs will be deducted from your eminences, which implies you may need to raise your arranged costs in like manner - particularly in the event that you foresee high print book deals. Get familiar with KDP eminences here.<span 4. When will I get my eminences? At the point when independently publishing through KDP, you won't get any sovereignties until at any rate two months after your book goes up. All eminences are paid two months after the month in which you make deals. So for instance, regardless of whether you put your book up on January 1 and make 100 deals in the primary week, you wouldn’t get any eminences until the finish of March. In spite of the fact that this is standard practice for major digital book merchants, it’s imperative to know so you won’t become baffled by to what extent it takes to get paid. At long last, recall that in light of the fact that you’ve gotten your book out there, doesn’t mean your activity is finished. Keep doing investigate, advancing your book through KDP and different methods, and following deals examples to expand your prosperity. You may even consider presenting your book to Reedsy Discovery to be investigated! Every one of these endeavors will assist you with contacting your ideal crowd, so your book can begin selling like hotcakes.Additional independently publishing resourcesSelf-distributing on Amazon is much the same as anything that requires a touch of exertion: you’ll receive in return what you put into it. Ideally, this guide has helped you done your absolute best as you attempt this piece of your independently publishing venture! Here are a couple of more extra assets to help you on your way.If you’re simply beginning and need to know the essentials: The most effective method to Publish a Book: Self-Publishing for BeginnersIf you’re inquisitive about getting your book on Apple Books, Kobo, and so on notwithstanding Amazon: The Complete Guide to Ebook DistributionIf you’d like to recruit an outsider assistance to publicize your value advancement: Free and Paid Book Promotion Services in 2019If you need to become familiar with Amazon's ubiquity challenge: Winning Amazon's Secret Popularity ContestIf you need to realize the amount it expenses to independently publish, all the way: The amount Does It Cost to Self-Publish a Book in 2019?If you need to find out about Amazon Publishing - their book distributing unit that works a lot of like a conventional distributer: Amazon Publishing: What is it Like to Get Signed by Them?If you simply need to ensure you haven’t missed anything: The World’s Most Essential Self-Publishing ChecklistAnd in the event that you have some other inquiries concerning independently publishing on Amazon, if it's not too much trouble leave them in the remarks! We’ll answer them as well as could be expected.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Whales in Captivity

Executioner Whales Deserve Freedom Kimberly Hall COM 155 November 27, 2011 Mara Galvez Killer Whales Deserve Freedom Orcas are unpredictable social animals meriting opportunity and regard, not imprisonment in amusement stops under the pretense of state funded instruction and diversion. Aquarium staffs state hostage whales are precious instructive apparatuses. In any case, individuals can instruct their youngsters by carrying them to the wild as opposed to carrying the wild to them to the detriment of the Orcas wellbeing and prosperity. The cost of a family affirmation ticket is the thing that keeps on driving this merciless spectacle,† as indicated by Michael O' Sullivan, the Executive Director of The Humane Society of Canada (Whales in Captivity, 2010, Para. 3). Orcas endure from numerous points of view in imprisonment, and are dependent upon numerous upsetting circumstances they could never experience in nature. Bondage changes their psychological state as well as their physi cal appearance. One of the most striking physical impacts of bondage is dorsal blade disfiguration.In the hostage populace, pretty much every male has a slumped dorsal balance, and most females have probably some curve to their dorsal. In the wild, male dorsal blades can surpass statures of six feet straight up. The best hypothesis is that the dorsal blade flops from the power of gravity. Dorsal balances are made of ligament, not bone. Orcas are perhaps the quickest warm blooded animal in the ocean; they can arrive at speeds up to 30 miles for each hour. Orcas can jump submerged to profundities of near 200 feet. When plunging, the animal’s pulse eases back from 60 pulsates every moment to 30 thumps for every minute.Meanwhile, oxygen-diverting blood redirects from the limits, and afterward explores toward the heart, lungs, and mind, where there is more oxygen required. These organic changes license the creature to moderate oxygen while lowered for longer timeframes (About Orca s †Physical Characteristics, 2005). In the wild Orcas have support from the water, keeping their dorsal erect. In imprisonment, Orcas are at the surface continually for taking care of, preparing, and petting purposes, and swim just around and around so there is almost no dorsal help, subsequently causing the dorsal to flounder [ (Bohn, 2011) ].Orcas in bondage experience the ill effects of something other than physical flaws. Dosed with medications to help the executioner whales manage pressure, they endure horribly in marine parks. Creatures and people share a similar safe framework. Similarly as stress lessens our safe framework, it does likewise to the executioner whale. Hence, stress has been an aberrant reason for death in hostage executioner whales. Executioner whales in bondage encountering pressure will in general beat their head against the dividers of their tanks until it drains. At any rate three hostage whales have murdered themselves with this monotonous movement w elcomed on by stress.Have you at any point knew about this incident in nature? Not exclusively does it not occur, an Orca in the wild could failing to bring real damage upon itself. Disavowal of their entitlement to live in their actual environment where they have a place causes the executioner whales a lot of pressure, disappointment, nervousness, and tragically hostility. In the wild Orcas, don't assault people as they have in marine parks. As Barry (2010, Para, 12) clarified, â€Å"Isolation among marine creatures is profoundly distressing, which prompts strange conduct. † Marine stops, for example, Sea World have what they call petting cases, where the youngsters can pet and feed the Orcas.Orcas are offered sedatives to assist them with managing the pressure and tension of human contact. Individuals probably won't be so anxious to pet these wild well evolved creatures on the off chance that they knew everything the Orca needed to experience to make sure they could pet the m for a moment or two. (Smith, 2010) Along with the pressure of living in a marine park, Orcas experience the ill effects of their relatives. In the wild Orcas travel with their family (units) that go somewhere in the range of five to 25 relatives (Orcas). Orcas families are exceptionally affectionate. They for the most part travel in units that incorporate their folks, grandparents, youngsters, etc.Taking the Orca away from their family causes them much pressure, nervousness, and misery. In the wild, their posterity remain with them and travel with them. Orcas, related by blood, stay together for the span of their lives. In imprisonment, the aquarium staff expels their posterity (calves) from them at an extremely youthful age. For Orcas, known to be the one warm blooded creature that is nearest to mankind to the extent family, sentiments, and social practices, it is comparable to an individual expelled from their family to never observe them again, to never address them again. Smit h, 2010) In the wild, Orcas have steady correspondence with their units (family). To speak with their pods (family) in the wild Orcas use echolocation. Mandell (2010) depicts echolocation as, â€Å"The procedure of moving air between the sinuses in their minds to make sharp stable (p. 2). The vibrations travel submerged until they experience items and afterward bounce back making discernible tones the whales use for route. Their sound waves go so far that they never return to the Orca who sent it. What returns is the voice (sound rushes) of another Orca (family member).In imprisonment, these shrill sounds can just make a trip to the mass of the tank and ricochet back. In this manner, causing the sound (the Orcas own voice) to ricochet to and fro over and again which in time can make a stellar whale crazy. It is equal to keeping a human in a room, in lone, who is continually hearing voices. Being segregated in a little tank (roughly the size of two Orcas), sprinkling onlookers with your tail, and doing stunts a few times each day for quite a long time would make any species go insane. I concur that viewing great Orcas performing stunts with a human coach isn't educational.Unfortunately, watching one snap and murder a mentor is instructive, however just if the exercise changes the brains and activities of its captors. Orcas are intricate social animals meriting opportunity and regard. There are at present 42 executioner whales in bondage around the world. Out of the 194 executioner whales in bondage since 1964, 66% passed on inside 10 years, and under 30 endure longer than 20 years in imprisonment [ (Mandell, 2010) ]. To keep them in imprisonment camouflaged under instruction and diversion is just barbarous and strange treatment.They endure genuinely, socially and intellectually. Bondage is increasingly inconvenient to the government assistance of the Orca than the wild would ever be. Watching Orcas in their regular natural surroundings is undeniably more instr uctive than watching them perform deceives in a marine park. [ (Santich, 2010) ] OR [ (Orlando, 2011) ] YOU DECIDE References About Orcas †Physical Characteristics. (2005). Recovered December 7, 2011, from orca-zone: http://www. orca-zone. com/aboutorcas/record. html Barry, J. (2010, August 26). Executioner is prized, dreaded, focused on: Life won't change much for Tilikum, the orca that suffocated a mentor at Seaworld.St Petersburg Times . St Petersburg, FL, United States. Recovered from http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/docview/264384772/1338068E48F8B67489/1? accountid=35812 Bohn, G. (2011, November 28). Executioner whales and bondage; What danger, assuming any, does life in the aquarium bubble posture to the strength of these mammoth ocean warm blooded animals. The Edmonton Journal . Edmonton, Alta, Canada. Recovered from http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/docview/251763683/133805C5287EFA914D/1? accountid=35812 Mandell, M. (2010 , June 29).Short history on executioner whales. Bergen County, N. J, United States. Recovered from http://search. proquest. com/docview/365980652? accountid=35812 Orlando, S. W. Orca Collapsed Dorsal Fin. (picture). Hostage orcas. Ocean World Orlando, Orlando. Recovered from http://pediaview. com/openpedia/Captive_orcas Santich, K. Free Willy? Progressives state this is the way orcas should live †in nature. SeaWorld disaster †a token of why orcas should swim free? Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. (picture) Retrieved from http://websites. orlandosentinel. om/changetheworld/2010/02/a-lamentable token of-why-executioner whales-ought not-live-at-marine-parks. html/orcinus_orca_5 Smith, J. (2010, June 11). Hostage Killer Whales. The Ecologist . Joined Kingdom. Recovered from http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/docview/234920905/1338063BFFA6E62ABF8/1? accountid=35812 Whales in Captivity †Spectacularly Cruel †says Humane Society of Canada. ( 2010, July 1). The Canada Newswire . Ottawa, British Columbia, Canada. Recovered from http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/docview/455947023/133806FC22464623DC8/6? accountid=35812

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Question Examples - The Best Way to Answer Essay Questions

Essay Question Examples - The Best Way to Answer Essay QuestionsStudents are often confused about how to answer essay question, but they need not be as there are a number of college essay questions sample resources available to help them. They are just required to be resourceful and clever so that they are able to answer the questions correctly.A lot of students take their writing and academic writing skills very seriously, but they tend to overlook the basics. There is nothing wrong with such students, but a lot of them will use academic writing as a cover up for their lack of other skills. These students often give incorrect answers which will have a negative impact on their grades.Students should not simply give up on writing and expect that they will write a paper which is good enough. Students can get some useful resources such as essay question samples to help them and save them time and effort in completing the tasks involved in writing a great paper. Students will always need assistance, but these types of essay question samples will enable them to avoid any mistakes or misinterpretations of information.There are a number of things that students should bear in mind when they answer essay question. First, they need to be able to clearly state the issue at hand, and they should provide their views of the problem. It is important for them to understand what is required to be written about and what is not, so that they will be able to write the paper.The next important aspect is to be able to construct an argument. A good argument should be able to convince the reader that one's opinion is correct. They should also be able to use these arguments in a way that is compelling. They should be able to present the facts accurately and logically, which is necessary in the college essays.Finally, students should look out for grammar, spelling and punctuationerrors. They should take care to avoid these errors, as these errors can have a negative impact on their grad e. The errors that are made should also be specified by the school so that it can be corrected at an early stage.It is also a good idea for students to look out for certain keywords that they can use in their papers. Keywords are something that students often forget about and ignore, but they are essential in the essay question materials that they read. It is important to be able to identify the most used keywords so that students will not forget about them and will be able to gain an advantage when writing.The Boston University essay question samples are an ideal way for students to address various topics in college essays. In fact, they can be a useful guide for all students who wish to get better at writing.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Mountaintop by Katori Hall

Great theater can emerge from a simple yet evocative question: What if? Katori Hall, winner of the Blackburn Prize for outstanding women playwrights, asks the question: What did Martin Luther King Jr. do the night before he died? Who did he talk to? What did he say? Her play attempts to answer these questions, albeit in an imaginative rather than realistic way. The Mountaintop took home Englands Olivier Award for best play. In fall 2011, the plays poignant message resonated on Broadway, starring featuring Samuel L. Jackson and Angela Bassett. About the Playwright Born in 1981, Katori Hall is a young, vibrant new voice in modern theater. Much of her work derives from her experiences in her hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. According to her official website, her major works include: Hoodoo Love (Cherry Lane Theatre)Remembrance (Womens Project)Saturday Night/Sunday MorningWHADDABLOODCLOT!!!The Hope WellOur Lady of KibehoPussy Valley Her most recent work (as of 2012) is Hurt Village; set in a housing project in Memphis it depicts a returning Iraq veterans struggle to find a position in his disintegrating community, along with a place in his daughters wounded heart. (The Signature Theatre). However, Halls most renowned work to date is the historical/spiritual drama, The Mountaintop. The Plot The Mountaintop is a two-person drama about the last day of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The entire play is set in the Lorraine hotel room, the evening before his assassination. King is alone, trying to create yet another powerful speech. When he orders a cup of coffee from room service, a mysterious woman arrives, bringing much more than a late-night beverage. What follows is a reflective, often funny, often touching conversation in which Dr. King examines his achievements, his failures, and his unfinished dreams. Other Plays About Martin Luther King, Jr This is not the first time that a speculative drama has explored Dr. Kings amazing legacy. The Meeting, by Jeff Stetson, explores the contrasting methods and the common dreams of two dignified civil rights leaders (Malcolm X and Dr. King) who sacrificed their lives fighting for justice. Theme Analysis of The Mountaintop: SPOILER ALERT: Its not easy to analyze the messages of this play without revealing surprise elements of The Mountaintop. So, reader beware, I am about to ruin the big surprise in the play. The mysterious woman who seems to be a hotel maid is named Camae (short for Carrie May -- which might be code for carry me). At first, she seems to be a perfectly normal (beautiful, outspoken) maid, who is in favor of social change, but not necessarily in favor of all of Dr. Kings methods. As a storytelling device, Camae allows the audience to witness a more personal and irreverent side of Dr. King, one that the cameras and public appearances rarely captured. Camae is also willing to debate with the reverend on social matters, strongly and eloquently expressing her own views on racism, poverty, and the slowly progressing civil rights movement. It soon becomes clear, however, that Camae is not what she appears. She is not a maid. She is an angel, a recently created angel, in fact. Her first assignment is to inform Martin Luther King, Jr. that he is going to die very soon. Here the play shifts its focus. What begins as a behind-the-scenes look at one of Americas greatest leaders (in all his frustration and frailty), ultimately becomes a struggle to accept ones mortality and prepare for a journey into what Hamlet calls the undiscovered country. As one might expect, King isnt happy to find out that he is going to die. In some ways, his dialogue is reminiscent to Everyman, the morality play from 15th century Europe. The key difference, however, is that Everyman represents an average person who has failed to live a saintly life. Dr. King doesnt profess to be a saint (in fact, both the angel and King mention his extra-marital affairs), but he does rightly argue that he has been fighting a just cause and that he is the best person to continue the struggle for equality. During the last half of the play, King experiences the different stages of coping with death: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Arguably the best part of these stages is the bargaining portion when Dr. King actually gets to talk to God over the telephone. If The Mountaintop sounds morbid, theres actually a lot of humor and whimsy throughout this play. Camae is a feisty and foul-mouthed angel, and she is proud to announce that her wings are her breasts and that God is a woman. The play concludes with not only acceptance but joy and celebration for what has been accomplished, as well as a firm reminder of the dreams that have yet to come to fruition.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Macroeconomic as/Ad Framework - 1687 Words

1) Use the AS/AD framework to show the separate effects on GDP, inflation and public sector borrowing on any single national economy of: a) cut in public spending b) an increase in the rate of VAT (sales tax) c) a slowdown in the GDP growth of less developed economies. (Make sure that you include clear and appropriate diagrams for this question) According to Begg and Ward (2009) fiscal policy is the government’s decisions regarding taxation and spending to influence level of demand for goods and services. Cut in public spending and increase in the rate of VAT are instruments of contractionary fiscal policy in order to slow down economy, reduce inflation and deficit. a) Cut in public spending†¦show more content†¦43.390 5,1 14,8 –7,3 2008. 47.766 2,2 13,2 –8,9 2009. 45.667 –6,0 14,9 –5,0 2010. 45.920 –1,2 17,4 –1,0 2011. 45.923 0 18 –1,0 2012. forecast 45.799 –1,0 18 ,5 0,3 2013. forecast 47.708 1 18,3 0,9 Table 2 Croatian macroeconomic statistical indicators (Croatian National Bank) As a conclusion we can say that contractionary fiscal policy is showing effects on a long run (reduces deficit, and balanced ratio of government spending and revenue), however in short run it is causing recession and increased unemployment. c) Slowdown in the GDP of less developed economies from perspective of exporting country to LDE will lead to the reduction of export (part of aggregate demand) to the LDE country because their output and consumption will be reduced. Consequently expenditure and production in exporting country will be reduced which results in increased unemployment and decreased output. Since government income from taxes has been reduced government will need to increase borrowing in order to cover deficit. Export to LDE is quite unique since such countries are mostly agriculture oriented. According to UNDP most of LDE import is based on basic food stuff (wheat and rice) and projections for 2015 are suggesting that this dependency will continue to increase. Also, according to UNDP export of LDE are heavily dependent on weather conditions which shift LDC country from deficit to surplus situation. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Emerging Adulthood and Sexuality in Latin American...

The main idea of this paper is to discuss the sexual and reproductive health of Latin American immigrants in Madrid, briefly approaching three different questions: do they believe that there are differences about sexual and reproductive health issues between what they lived in their countries and Spain?; are they having different behaviors in Spain than in their origin countries and, if so, which ones?; and finally, what do they perceived about sexual health services and access in Spain? Regular Latin American immigrants sexuality in Europe has been rarely addressed by researchers. Even the known importance of irregular migration sexuality studies, because of the risks and vulnerability to which migrants are exposed, we should ask†¦show more content†¦The Ecological Theory is not being probed in this research; it is limited to be an organizing tool. The interview guide that we use tried to include all the systems in the theory (macro, micro, meso, exo, and crhono5), and their probable relations through different issues, which will correspond to one or more systems. However, even the theory would not define the study, it contributes to the design. Grounded theory interprets data from the reality of the individual, and it can be understand under the social construction of reality, according to Berger and Luckman6. Also, it is directly related with the concept of sexuality as a social construction. Weeks3 emphasis, when talking about the social construction of sexuality, that sexuality is not a given fact, it is a product of negotiation, struggle, and human actions(pp 30). Emerging adulthood was proposed in 2000 by Jeffrey Arnett,2 to described the group of people aged 18 -29 years old. The theory basically includes 5 principles that can change between countries due to cultural backgrounds: instability (work, love, education); exploration of identity; Self-focus on personal goals; feeling in between (adult-adolescent); high hopes for the future, positives ideas. It has been argued that not all young people can live this stage because not everyone in the world has the chance to decide about their

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Gun crimes free essay sample

There is a great deal of media stereotyping related to rap music, hip-hop culture and the economically deprived areas In which these art forms were born. Campbell explain, The common sense selection process of news organizations often dictates coverage of negative minority news, whiles positive stories about progress and success in minority communities tend to be shelved due to what Journalists consider a lack of newsworthiness (C Campbell, 1995, p. 0) Recent growth in gun crime, and gun culture has turned attention to reasons behind this trend. Hip- hop has been an ass target for groups who associate this music scene as a negative Influence over those who listen to It. In 2003 nearly 350,000 people In the USA where victims of murders, robberies or aggravated assaults where the perpetrator carried a firearm (Brady et al. 2004). It was in this year that rapper 50 cent released his first studio and breakthrough album, Get rich or die trying. The record went to number one in the US and number 2 in the I-J. The record sold 11 million copies worldwide. Many critics linked his lyrics with the glorification of gun violence, but as Jay Enrolled of the sectional review highlighted accent was certainly not the first to rap about such matters, however he does think there Is a correlation between rap and guns, stating, many rappers sing of guns with almost lascivious glee Serious explorations of the link between gun violence and rap music are not as common.While the subject is good for alarmist news reports, a serious exploration of the subject would require some understanding of hip-hop culture and the capability to analyze both the statistics and the human elements of the situation. What Roding Abacuses and Christian Parses deliver In the book Enter the Babylon System, Is a book-length exploration of the link between urban culture and firearms. Unpacking gun culture from Samuel Colt to 50 Cents is written in a documentary style with insight into the hip-hop music industry, as both authors are co-owners of Pound Magazine Canadas largest hip-hop and urban culture magazine (R. Abacuses and C. Pearce 2007). Their purpose in the book was to challenge the prevailing view that hip-hop music causes crime and to deepen their readers appreciation of a larger crisis with respect o guns. The mall purpose of this work was to focus attention on the gun Industry and to mount an argument that powerful Individuals and corporations are more responsible for the explosion of guns in our society than the hip-hop culture.This book reminds its readers that gangs has been around for centuries, as Jonathan Swift reveals in his diaries for 1711 that gangs of young men known as Mocks were terrorizing the streets of London. Enter the Babylon system refers to oppressive and a sense of Injustice within the current system and carry a message that guns and angst have not been dealt with In a comprehensive manner by police, politicians or the public.The authors suggest that rap and the gangs-rap lifestyle have become a scapegoat for the gun violence young black men are waging against t hemselves, but should not be used as defense for the growing prominence guns have in what the authors call trigger-happy gangs rap music (R. Abacuses and C. Pearce 2007). A portion of their book explore the Canadian gun Industry and highlight how much money Is being made through the production and sale of weapons, Rappers might ND C. Pearce 2007).The authors address the growing worldwide influence wielded by weapons manufacturers. A particular interest is their interaction with Canadas only maker of handguns, Torsos Para-ordnance, under the heading Para-nod. According to Enter The Babylon System, the authors requests for an interview and tour of the factory prompted a letter from Para-ordnance stating it would be handing this matter over to legal counsel for any civil action that we may be advised to pursue against you and your employers. (R. Abacuses and C.Pearce 2007) It is stubbing to learn that the Provincial Weapons Enforcement Unit of the Ontario Provincial Police has found 224 Para-ordnance handguns at crime scenes since 1992. When gun manufacturers are unable to protect the sanctity of their stock from diversion by company employees, society has a problem. When these guns meander into the hands of young street gang members Anyone that sincerely believes that hip-hop is the reason for gun violence needs to go to Oakland, Baltimore, New Orleans and stay a week there and then come back and tell me that hip-hop is the problem Res no way they could because youd realize what the conditions are in some of these communities. (R. Abacuses and C. Pearce 2007). Whiles gun manufacturers may protest the fact that some rappers cite their products, and that attention from rappers is inevitable. The authors quote Tom Ditz, Making a Killing: The Business of Guns in America, When you have an industry that just pours this pollution into our culture, its going to start showing up in lots of different ways.. . Abacuses and Pearce offered a refreshing openness when outlining the magnitude of the gun crisis. Although relevant statistics and data are worthwhile in helping us understand the immeasurable greed that fuels the weapons industry they deliver it in an entertaining style mixing statistics, news reports, hip-hop lyrics, artist interviews and well-penned tatterdemalion to capture the reader attention Conclusion Enter the Babylon System succeed in raising some of the serious issues that orbit when it comes to finding ways to create wealth.Enter the Babylon System is a lively, entertaining, enraging book written from a Canadian perspective, the authors did not attempt to excuse facilitators of gun violence, but instead turn our gaze away from the provocative lyrics of hip hop artists to the system of weapons production that has become a multi-billion dollar industry. They raised a flag of warning that U. S. A represent a dynamo in the manufacture of weapons and has become a Mecca for g un ownership. The fact that ordinary citizens can acquire an AK-47 rifle or a semi- automatic pistol has become a fundamental issue. Its difficult to come away from the book, for instance, without feeling that the NEAR is a borderline psychotic association hat has taken a pro-violence mandate that goes far beyond protecting gun owners rights. The United States is quite naturally blamed for the influx of illegal gun in Canada, but one of the books surprises is an exploration of Canadas homegrown gun makers.Utterly knowledgeable about hip-hop culture, the authors often assume the same understanding from their readers. And, as entertaining as the authors style can be to read, some transitions feels forced and deliberate dampening the reading experience. Even with those minor issues, Enter the Babylon System is a brilliant ice of investigative Journalism. Its a truly compelling read about a distasteful subject.